St Louis Video Studio | Control Your Lighting

It’s always to your advantage to control the lighting as much as possible in order to get a truly cinematic look. Sometimes however, you may not be able to control the light as much as you would like. In the situation, you can still choose angles that use the light you do have to the best of your ability.

The overall brightness of a scene is often referred to as being high key or low key. High key lighting floods the entire scene with high levels of light so that everything is brightly lit. It is used for happy, or upbeat scenes. By contrast, low key lighting is dark. It makes greater use of shadows than illumination and, as a result, it creates drama and suspense.

Female talent presenter Interviewing In St Louis Video Television Studio With Crew In Foreground

Female talent presenter Interviewing In St Louis Video Television Studio With Crew In Foreground

Robert Haller